Recebi anteontem em casa, o número 12 da revista belga
deFish, Magazine by Young Artists, na qual fui convidado a participar há uns 2 meses atrás.
Tem umas gaffes, a começar por terem assumido que o meu nome era Tiago Menoske (LOL) e segundo porque decidiram publicar a ilustração que sugeri para imagem de perfil mas não se lembraram de pedir que alterasse a descrição do trabalho que é relativa à ilustração
Tributo =X
Segue a transcrição da entrevista:
Describe your best work (which you did send in):For some years I designed mainly for the punk/hardcore portuguese scene. This piece is a tribute to my background and all heavy organic music, so I mixed shiva with the concept of the "one-man-band" resulting in some divine head banging. In case you're wondering this is a t-shirt design!
(fill in)Art is many things and nothing at all... only in ignorance can someone say that something is art and another thing is not. And that's pretty much what I've learned in 5 years studying in a Fine Arts school (lol)...
What¹s your favourite party?Any small/underground concert
Best city? And why?Lisbon, it's my birthplace but I still haven't experienced it fully.
Cool books:Any Eça de Queirós but I would recommend Plato's Symposium or the Apology
Partylinks:http://www.xuxajurassica.comYour MySpace url:http://www.myspcae.com/menosketiagoBest Flickrlink:http://www.flickr.com/groups/lovemyapplianceHow many hours do you spend behind the internet?Most of my free-time :P
Other cool links:http://www.artevist.com,
http://www.isawearthlings.comYour dream?Being a part (no matter how small) of a larger change that our civilization needs to survive...
Your favourite brand in general? Why?Greenpeace, if there is a brand for ecology they are the best!
Which charity action do you like for the moment?I prefer activism... ecology, human and animal rights (I do pro-bono work if possible)